How to Connect A2C to Your ShipCompliant Account

After you’ve added the A2C app, follow these steps to connect A2C to your ShipCompliant account.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1.) Log into the dashboard of your BigCommerce site

BigCommerce Dashboard

2.) Click on Apps

Apps in the BigCommerce Dashboard

3.) Click on A2C

A2C App in the BigCommerce Dashboard

4.) Click on SETTINGS

Settings in A2C

5.) Click on ShipCompliant

ShipCompliant Settings in A2C

6.) Using the drop down menu, select what environment you would like to connect to

ShipCompliant Environment in A2C

7.) Add your ShipCompliant Username and Password

ShipCompliant Username and Password in A2C

8.) Using the drop down menu, select the Default Shipment Status you want to use for your A2C install

Default ShipCompliant Shipping Status in A2C

9.) When finished, click the green Save button

Save ShipCompliant Settings in A2C